Wordsearch Bible Software For Mac

Yes! BibleWorks can run on a Mac. There are three options for running on a Mac:

  • Native (a Mac port running on custom WINE libraries)
  • Virtualized (using VirtualBox, Parallels, or VMware Fusion)
  • Dual-boot (using Boot Camp)

If cost is your chief concern, the native version of BibleWorks incurs almost no additional cost. The second cheapest option is to run Virtualized using VirtualBox. VirtualBox is free, but you still have to purchase a Windows license for this option.

If full compatibility is your chief concern, we recommend the Virtualized option. Parallels, VMware Fusion, and VirtualBox are all excellent products. Virtual Box is free. All three of these options require you to purchase a Windows license.

If performance is your chief concern, the Virtualized option for newer Macs (Parallels, VMware Fusion, and VirtualBox) run slightly faster than the native version in our tests.

Read below for details about the three options. Full system requirements are here.




  • Included in BW10 & BW9
  • Copy and paste to Mac applications
  • Slightly slower on newer Macs than VM/dual-boot
  • 98% functionality


  • Very fast on newer Macs
  • Full functionality
  • Copy and paste to Mac applications
  • Extra cost (VM + Windows license)
  • Initial setup is more involved


  • Very fast
  • Full functionality
  • No copy and paste to Mac applications
  • Extra cost (Windows license)

BibleWorks performance and compatibility are only slightly lower with this option. Searching and display are fast (onlyslightly slower than the other options discussed here). Apart from buying BibleWorks, there is no additional cost for this option--no VM software, no Windows license. Installation is simpler.

Registered current BibleWorks users can install and try the BibleWorks Mac Installer at no additional cost!


The native Mac version of BibleWorks 10 runs on OS X using customized compatibility libraries (WINE) by CodeWeavers. The BibleWorks 10 Mac Installer is much improved over the BibleWorks 9 Mac Installer. It runs directly on OS X without a virtual machine or machine instruction emulation. The underlying technology uses WINE libraries. The interface is the same as the Windows version of BibleWorks so in a classroom setting with Windows and Mac users students and instructors will all have the same program interface.

On a modern Mac with an Intel processor, it is slightly slower than the virtualized options (e.g. a word search might take a 1/5 of a second instead of a 1/20 of a second) but does not require you to purchase anything extra.

The native Mac version implements the features that most of our users need (we estimate 98%), but it is a continuing work in progress. All basic functionality is present (searching, viewing Bible text and resources, copying and pasting text from BibleWorks into your word processor, etc.). There are some known limitations of the native Mac version of BibleWorks. The following lists some of the features which do not yet work in the native Mac version of BibleWorks (full list here):

  • Searching (display works) in Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Korean, Japanese, Lithuanian, Slavonic, Thai, and Turkish Bibles. Searching and display issues with Czech, Polish, and Romanian Bibles.
  • Text-to-speech (Bible text read aloud)
  • Running BibleWorks from a Windows Server in a site license setup


BibleWorks 10 comes with the BibleWorks Mac Installer. There is no additional fee. No VM software is needed, and no Windows license is required. Click here to order it.


If your work will require full BibleWorks functionality, we recommend that you use the virtualized or dual-boot options. The support for the BibleWorks Mac Installer is limited as development is ongoing.

To install BibleWorks with the BibleWorks Mac Installer, follow these steps:

http://kb.bibleworks.com/index.php?/article/AA-02916[updated 2017-04-03]

To update an existing version of the BibleWorks Mac Installer, follow these steps:

http://kb.bibleworks.com/index.php?/article/AA-02949[updated 2017-04-03]

Once your installation is complete, we recommend the following:

  1. Update your BibleWorks Executable from the program's main menu:
    Help | BibleWorks on the Internet | Check for updates
  2. Keep up with Mac user discussion in our forums at http://www.bibleworks.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?91
  3. Subscribe to our email list for official updates.

BW10 Screenshots

[click for larger view]

Study God’s Word like never before. Wordsearch Bible provides the study tools you need for a lifetime of fruitful ministry. Get Started for Free. The premier biblical study software for preachers and teachers. Looking for a Bible software to better help you understand the Bible? Wordsearch Bible offers a Bible study software for pastors, lay leaders, and teachers. Find out more information. Our USB flash drive contains all the files you need to install the Wordsearch 11 program and your books on a PC or Mac without using the internet.

BibleWorks performance and compatibility are very high with this option. There are no known compatibility issues with this option. Initial setup is a little more involved.


When you run a virtualized version of BibleWorks, you install a virtual machine (VM) program on your Mac and install a full version of Windows onto the VM on your Mac. This VM can then run BibleWorks and any other Windows program on your Mac.

We have tested three VM packages on the same MacBook: Parallels, VMware Fusion, and VirtualBox. Surprisingly, the virtualized solution is very fast and with Parallels and Fusion BibleWorks appears as an application in the Mac environment. Parallels and Fusion give full compatibility with BibleWorks. VirtualBox also works very well, but is not as seamlessly integrated with the OS X desktop. Virtualization is the solution we recommend if the additional cost is not a problem.

Copying and pasting text from all three VMs works well. Copying and pasting images from VirtualBox does not work as well as it does with Parallels and Fusion.


To run BibleWorks in a virtual environment you need two things:

  1. A virtual machine package. At the time of writing, Parallels and VMware Fusion cost between $40-$80. VirtualBox is free.
  2. A Windows 7 or higher license. In addition to installing a VM package, you will need to purchase and install Windows 7 or higher on your VM. Installation and purchase of Windows is slightly easier with Parallels and Fusion. At the time of writing, Windows 7 Home Premium (recommended) is about $100-175.

Users running BW on a VM

For years BibleWorks has run well on a VM for many of our Mac customers.

I have wanted to switch to Mac for a long time. BibleWorks was the only thing that kept me from doing it. Finally I had to switch because I heard good things about Parallels allowing BibleWorks to run. While I don't think Parallels is the answer for everything, it most definitely works for BibleWorks. It takes a moment to load Parallels and then BibleWorks, but once you are in there is no difference in my experience. I looked at Mac based programs and nobody matches the value and functionality of BibleWorks.

Dr. Doug H.
August 2010

One of the great things about the new Intel Macs is that I can run Windows programs with ease and actually share data between Mac and Windows programs. I am running BW8 using Parallels 5 and WinXP. Once the Parallels is setup and WinXP installed, BW8 installation is just like you would using a PC. I have zero issues with this set up and BW8.

John F.
August 2010


For Parallels: To enable the Shift key to work properly, please read this.

Parallels Screenshots

[click for larger view]

VMWare Fusion BW9 Screenshots
(BW10 screenshots coming)

[click for larger view]

VirtualBox BW9 Screenshots

[click for larger view]

The WORDsearch Bible app helps you read, study, and share the Word of God more effectively. Read from our extensive library, or study God's Word with our powerful, yet easy-to-use, Bible study tools. Dake Reference Library - WORDsearch 12 (Mac and PC) Software USB-The WORDsearch 12 Dake Reference Library includes: USB The King James Version of the. I've been using this program for quite sometime, and I must say, I love it!! Compared to all the others out there, free or not free. Most of my friends who purchased Bible software agree that theWord offers more study resources than the basic Bible software libraries. Praise the Lord!! God bless you in your efforts to continue to develop theWord.

Apr 03, 2020  The Wordsearch 12 AppStream gives you access to the full Wordsearch 12 program as well as your library. As long as you have the Internet, you can connect to the Wordsearch desktop experience. (Please note this is the full program and different from our app.wordsearchbible.com site.) Here is what the Wordsearch 12 AppStream looks like: Other Notes.

BibleWorks performance and compatibility are very high with this option. You cannot cut and paste to other Mac applications with this option. You must purchase a Windows license.


Apple released a free program called Boot Camp in OS X Lion and Mountain Lion. When Boot Camp is installed you restart your Mac and select between running Windows or OS X. If you select Windows, your Mac becomes a PC running Windows natively. You can run any Windows program (including BibleWorks), but you will not be able to simultaneously run Mac programs while running Windows. To run Mac programs, you will need to restart your Mac and select OS X.


Boot Camp is free (included with OS X 10.5 and higher), but you will need to purchase and install Windows (we recommend Windows 7 or higher).

BibleWorks comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you purchase BibleWorks directly from us but cannot get it to work with your virtualization software, you may return BibleWorks for a refund (shipping not included).

Our forums are a good source of information for people who want to hear from others who are running BibleWorks on Macs.

'I just got a new computer. How do I get the Wordsearch program and all my books on it?'

Contact the Wordsearch Sales/Customer Service Department and ask them to email you the instructions to download and install the Wordsearch program and all your books. And don’t forget to tell them if you have a PC or a Mac.

Sales/Customer Service:

Hours:Mon.- Fri. 8am - 6pm (CST)

NEW! You can now chat with a live Sales/Customer Service representative on line. Go to www.WordsearchBible.com and look for the chat box in the lower right corner.

'How do I download Wordsearch 11?'

To download the Wordsearch 11 program, you need a Download Link.

To get a Download Link contact our Sales/Customer Service Department. They can be reached at 1-800- 888-9898 or WordsearchSales@LifeWay.com.

They can also email you the complete instruction document that explains what to do after you get a Download Link.

NEW! You can now chat with a live Sales/Customer Service representative on line. Go to www.WordsearchBible.com and look for the chat box in the lower right corner.

'I clicked on the download link and nothing happened!'
'It took me to your web page'

For this problem, we recommend you copy and paste the download link, or type it out manually, into the 'address bar' at the top of your browser, then hit the 'Enter” key on your keyboard.

If you don’t know where the address bar is, click here to see an example: 'Address Bar Example'

If the file 'WS11Setup.exe' does not start downloading, copy and paste the download link into the address bar in a different browser such asChromeorFireFox

You can download Chrome at this web site: 'http://www.chrome.com/'

You can download FireFox at this web site: 'http://www.firefox.com/'

'We're sorry. This link is only valid for 3 uses'

Contact the Wordsearch Sales/Customer Service Department and ask them for a new Download Link. And don’t forget to tell them if you have a PC or a Mac.

Sales/Customer Service:

Hours:Mon.- Fri. 8am - 6pm (CST)

'I clicked on the download link, saw my computer download something [ws11setup.exe], but now, I cannot find it!'

Try searching your computer. The file you need to look for is 'ws11setup.exe'

How to Search for a File on a Windows computer

Step 1: Press the Windows logo key:

Step 2: Type ws11setup.exe

Your computer will immediately begin searching your computer for the file ws11setup.exe and display a menu with the results of its search.

If your computer finds the file ws11setup.exe, click on it, in the menu, and that will start the installation of Wordsearch 11 for PC.

How to Search for a File on a Mac Computer

Free Bible Software For Mac

  1. Press Command-Space to open the Spotlight feature
  2. Enter the file name setup.mpkg

Wordsearch Bible App For Mac


The results will appear in a list belowExample of the Spotlight feature searching for the app iTunes

'I clicked on the download link, the computer started downloading the file ws11setup.exe, then, it just stopped!'

Check your internet connection. Did it stop also? Did it slow down? Are you using your cell phone or another device as a 'hotspot' connection? Does your computer have a security program?

This problem can be caused by all of the above.

Recommendation 1: If you are using your cell phone or another device as your 'HotSpot' connection, forget it. This method is not reliable for downloading our program or books. We recommend that you connect another way or order our USB flash drive.
Our USB flash drive contains all the files you need to install the Wordsearch 11 program and your books on a PC or Mac without using the internet.

To order our USB flash drive, contact our Sales/Customer Service Department. They can be reached at 1-800-888-9898 or WordsearchSales@LifeWay.com.

NEW! You can now chat with a live Sales/Customer Service representative on line. Go to www.WordsearchBible.com and look for the chat box in the lower right corner.

Recommendation 2: If you have a slow internet connection, or, if your internet connection speed goes up and down a lot, contact your internet service provider and see if they can improve your connection speed.

How to Check your Internet Speed

  1. Go to http://www.SpeedTest.Net
  2. Click on 'Go' or 'Begin Test'

Recommendation 3: If your internet connection is good, open the security program on your computer and disable the firewall, antivirus and any other features you can find. For assistance in doing that, contact the manufacture of your security program.

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